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Tournament NameThundergnome V
Organizer NAF nameTheOldTook (21684)
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-06-10
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2023-06-10
ScoringWin 4, Draw 2, Close Loss 1
Cost15 CHF for NAF Members.
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageZurich Alchemists League

Tournament Statistics


Tojurub (2591)Snotling

Runner up

strider84 (14113)Skaven

Most Touchdowns

strider84 (14113)Skaven

Most Casualties

Kekskommander (1219)Dwarf

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressSwiss Gamers Unplugged Gaming Room
 Brown-Boveri-Strasse 4a

Ruleset Document

Thundergnome V

When: 10th June 2023

Coaches registered:

Organiser: TheOldTook
Type: OPEN
Style: SWISS
Cost: 15 CHF/ 12 EUR for NAF members. NAF membership and/or renewals can be purchased on the day for 10 CHF/EUR
Email: treeman_1@yahoo.com
Webpage: www.zal.obblm.com
Where: Swiss Gamers Unplugged Gaming Room,
Brown-Boveri-Strasse 4a
Access via Parking Garage “Octavo” on Brown-Boveri-Strasse 2.

Additional Information
Rules of Engagement

The Gnomes of Zurich welcome you to the next tournament in the Thundergnome series.
As with last year’s tournament, we are retaining the special rules of engagement and will thus have the Special Gnome Cash and additional rules per round again (we want our Thundergnome mayhem after all!)
Current Rules of Games Workshop™ Blood Bowl™ – as applied by the NAF – All races up to and including Spike® Issue 15 (i.e. new Amazons) will be permitted.
Three Games played – Saturday 10th June – Registration 09:00 – 09:30
Game 1 – 09:30 – 11:45
Lunch - 11:45 – 13:15
Game 2 - 13:15 – 15:30
Game 3 – 15:45 – 18:00
Award Ceremony 18:00/18:30
• The four-minute rule is not used. However, due to time constraints, matches must be played within the time allowed, should a match begin to overrun, the players will be given a chess clock.

• A Win is worth 4 points
• A Draw is worth 2 points
• A Loss within 1 TD is worth 1 point
• A Loss by more than 1 TD is worth 0 points.
• Discontinue/Give Up -2 points.

Trophies awarded for:
• Most Points = Winner
• Most TDs (if Winner also has most TDs, second most TDs receive trophy)
• Most CAS (if Winner or most TD, second or third most CAS receives trophy)

Tiers and Team Creation:
Tiers as per EuroBowl(Malta) Rules:
• Tier 1: Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Orcs, Shambling Undead, Wood Elf
• Tier 2: Amazon, Human, Necromantic Horror, Norse, Skaven, Underworld Denizens
• Tier 3: Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Elven Union, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Nurgle, Slaan, Tomb Kings
• Tier 4: Chaos Renegades, High Elf, Old World Alliance, Vampire
• Tier 5: Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Snotling

Team Creation as per EuroBowl:
Each Team has a total of 1,150,000gp to spend on roster creation and must hire a minimum of 11 Players from the standard positions available before being allowed to recruit any Star Players. For restrictions on Star Player recruitment, see below.

For Skill packs which allow star Players, the following Star Players have an additional skill cost as specified below:

• Griff Oberwald, Morg’N’Thorg: 3 Primary Skills
• Deeproot Strongbranch, Hakflem Skuttlespike, Kreek Rustgouger, Bomber Dribblesnot: 2 Primary Skills
• Wilhelm Chaney: 1 Primary Skill
If the Team does not have enough skills available in the chosen skill pack to pay the above skill cost, that star Player cannot be taken.
Any GP unspent at roster creation are lost and all Teams are considered to have the same Current Team Value (CTV) for the purpose of inducements and prayers to Nuffle.
This is a resurrection tournament, no SPP are gained, and injuries, casualties or deaths do not carry on from one game to the next.
Players added to a Team roster mid game as a result of the Masters of Undeath or Plague Ridden special rule are removed from the roster at the end of the game and do not carry on to the next.

Permitted inducements are:
• Halfling Master Chef 0-1
• Bloodweiser Kegs 0-2
• Bribes 0-3 (Bribes cannot be taken in a Team with a Player that starts with, or is given the Sneaky Git Skill - note exception on Gnomish Hoard Cash special rule - Bribes gained from the ‘Get The Ref’ kick-off result are still allowed.)
• Wandering Apothecaries 0-2
• Mortuary Assistant 0-1
• Plague Doctor 0-1

All other inducements including Star Players are not permitted unless indicated by the Tier Restrictions below.

Teams are separated into 1 of 5 Tiers and offered Tier specific skills packs (labelled A to D).

Each Team is permitted to stack 2 Primary Skills on a maximum of 1 Player at the cost of both 1 Primary Skill and 1 Secondary Skill. This can only be done once.
All skills must be chosen and cannot be random.

Tier 1
Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Orcs, Shambling Undead, Wood Elf:
A. 6 Primary Skills
B. 4 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skills
C. 3 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Star Player
D. 0 Primary Skill + Access to 2 Star Players

Tier 2
Amazon, Human, Necromantic Horror, Norse, Skaven, Underworld Denizens:
A. 7 Primary Skills
B. 5 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill
C. 4 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Star Player
D. 1 Primary Skills + Access to 2 Star Players

Tier 3
Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Elven Union, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Nurgle, Slaan, Tomb Kings:
A. 7 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill
B. 5 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary Skills
C. 5 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Star Player
D. 2 Primary Skills + Access to 2 Star Players

Tier 4
Chaos Renegades, High Elf, Old World Alliance, Vampire:
A. 8 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill
B. 6 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary Skill
C. 6 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Star Player
D. 3 Primary Skills + Access to 2 Star Players

Tier 5
Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Snotling:
A. 8 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary Skills
B. 6 Primary Skills + 3 Secondary Skill
C. 6 Primary Skills + Access to 1 Star Player
D. 3 Primary Skills + Access to 2 Star Players

Gnomish Hoard Cash

In addition to the basic 1150 GP and Tier-based associated additional Skills, a Gnomish Hoard of 200’000 Cash is made available – this can be spent to buy additional skills as follows:
Tier 1 – Max 1 Double Skills @ 50 K each and/or max 2 Single Skills @ 30 K each. One player per team may be upgraded with a second additional primary skill @ the cost of the skill + 80 K.
Tier 2 – Max 1 Double Skills @ 50 K each and/or max 3 Single Skills @ 30 K each. One player per team may be upgraded with a second additional primary skill @ the cost of the skill + 70 K. An Apothecary may be recruited for one match during the tournament.
Tier 3 – Max 1 Double Skills @ 50 K each and/or max 4 Single Skills @ 30 K each. Two players per team may be upgraded with a second additional primary skill @ the cost of the skill + 60 K. An Apothecary may be recruited for one match during the tournament.
Tier 4 – Max 1 Double Skills @ 50 K each and/or max 5 Single Skills @ 30 K each. Two players per team may be upgraded with a second additional primary skill @ the cost of the skill + 50 K.
Tier 5 – Max 2 Double Skills @ 50 K each and/or max 6 Single Skills @ 30 K each. Two players per team may be upgraded with a second additional primary skill @ the cost of the skill + 40 K.
Tiers 4 & 5 may buy up to a maximum of 2 bribes and may recruit an apothecary for two matches during the tournament.
NOTE: A team starting with a player who is given the Sneaky Git skill as part of either the initial Skill allocation, or as part of Gnomish Hoard Skill purchase, may buy a maximum of one bribe.

Additional Gnomish Hoard rules
The Gnomes of Zurich like well-heeled Teams, but they like to have the cash in hand more – and will reward the teams with a higher bank balance. At the start of each half, it is determined which team has the higher bank balance remaining. This team may then choose to spend some of the funds during the half by paying 10 K each time. Remember, Spending money from the bank will be removed immediately.
Costs for Using Gnomish Hoard Cash and possible options to choose from:
Modify a Kick-Off Result by 1 (up or down)
Re-Roll any one Dice Roll for 10 K. (Re-rolling a re-rolled Pick-Up, Dodge, Catch or Pass is possible once per match at the cost of 30K.
Once per match Re-Roll a failed Re-Roll (costs 40 K).

The Gnomes of Zurich will reward the teams with remaining bank balance at the end of the tournament. Every 70 K of Gnomish Hoard Cash remaining will be awarded 1 Point.

Additional Game Rules
GAME 1 – Fan Participation – the Fans have all been issued with free Rocks to throw – First Half, Each Kick-Off result is applied as usual, but another D6 must be thrown – on a roll of 1 or 2, the Fans also throw a Rock. / Second Half, most rocks have been expended and a rock is only thrown when a 1 is rolled. Both teams are equally affected, only in the event that one team has more than double the number of fans attending the match than their opponent, their fans will be the ones throwing the rock.

GAME 2 – Secret Weapons – A secret weapon is stashed in every corner – a player reaching this corner (may not be placed within 4 squares from the corner at Kick-off) may, at the start of the next turn, act as if he had picked up a secret weapon / Determined by Dice Roll: Chainsaw, Set of Bombs, Dagger. The Ref has been paid to ignore these secret weapons, but they have to be dropped when a Touch Down is scored, or the half ends and the player reverts to being just a normal player for the next drive.

GAME 3 – Go Nuts! Both Teams receive an Akhorne® Star Player, even if this takes their roster to 17 players or they have already induced two Star Players. As Akhorne® hates clones of himself, he will go especially Nuts when facing off against his clone. The team’s Akorne that manages to cause a casualty on his clone is awarded a Bonus Point. (n.B. if participants do not have a suitable Akhorne model, any Goblin, Halfling, Snotling or Gnoblar figure will do).

(Approved - Twyllenimor 19.04.2023)

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